DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The DC CBE Task Force will seek legislation to address payment on the 10th. Meetings with OCP, DOES and other agencies have shown disappointing results so far. The Committee of the Whole and Committee Chairman Phil Mendelson have not heard our two bills: B24-0252, which will protect subs against “right of offset” language, and B24-0251, which will protect subs from the indemnity of others. Emails to Chairman Mendelson encouraging him to hear our bills would go a long way.
Paid Family Leave – If SB 275 is signed by Governor Larry Hogan, then businesses will need to include costs for family and medical leave in their bids in Maryland starting Oct. 1, 2023. Visit this site to learn more. VIRGINIA The Governor signed a bill that will establish Private Family Leave insurance. Click here to learn more. This allows for a policy to cover the employee’s income loss due to family leave situations. Talk to your insurance agent about this amendment to your group disability income policy.